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Sep 18, 2019

Leonie E Brown is an award winning South African Fine Artist.

Our paths crossed a few years ago in South Africa. I had seen a YouTube video of her explaining her fascination of colour, paint and art. I was hooked.

Her animated gestures and her expertise resonated and I decided to find out more about her and she agreed to be my guest.

In this podcast she shares more of her artist journey. And I can tell you it has been one big adventure. If you are an artist and you want to learn from an expert then stay tuned. Leonie shares many of her valuable art insights.

In this episode you will discover:

  • why she decided to study art,
  • how art saved her life and gave her words,
  • that there was a period in her life that she was afraid to paint,
  • the motivation behind her paintings,
  • what techniques she loves to use,
  • how she approaches her creative process,
  • the key to working successfully with galleries,
  • more about her favourite commissions.

This episode comes with a Free Artist Success Guide. This resource will help you get really clear and confident about your art and show you how to connect with your potential art customer.

Click here to access the Artist Success Guide.