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May 28, 2019

Artist, author and teacher, Marion de Jong, shares her inspiring story of how she  left her life as a secretary in pursuit of her passion for art and creativity.

Even though she took art classes for years Marion was never satisfied with the results and this left her frustrated and unhappy about her art

Something was...

May 13, 2019

There is no golden rule when is comes to creating successfully. You have to find out what works for you. In this episode I will share 10 practical things artist can do to find a steady flow in their creativity and set themselves up for...

May 5, 2019

Finding motivation is part of an Artist’s job description! 

Only YOU are the motor behind your creativity and it takes courage to get up, show up and do the work.

Even though you spend many hours in your studio creating you are never alone. You take your past, your friends, your critical sibling, the art world and...